WordPress 4.6 is here. It’s only been released less than 24 hours ago and already most are diving in for the big update. Below you can see highlights on what’s new:
  • Update Improvement – Updating your plugins and themes has got much easier!
  • Native Fonts – WordPress now uses your native system fonts which would result in slightly faster backend performance.
  • Editor Backups – Your content is now automatically saved in the browser so you can restore it from browser backups as and when.
  • Editor Link Checker – The editor will now highlight if you’re adding a broken link.
There are many “under the hood” improvements and modifications as well. For a full list of WordPress 4.6 updates, check out the official WordPress release page. Looking for someone to setup or assist with your WordPress website? Click Here.
Gary Tylee

Founder and Managing Director. I started Graphics Bite back in 2015 from my bedroom and have turned the business into a full service creative marketing agency, offering everything from Website Design to SEO. All blog articles written by me are my own views.

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